Lesson given December 8th 2024
- Connotation vs. Denotation (skinny vs. slender and simplify vs. complicate)
- Simplify vs. over-simplify
- Complicate vs. add nuance
Kevin from The Office vs. Arrival (language learning in Nicaragua, My Fair Lady/Pygmaleon)
- “Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?"
- “Thank”
- “Many small time make big time”
Parable of the “simple” Christmas light installation
All you need is love -The Beatles
Simple vs. Easy
- Structural composition vs. Difficulty rating (chess)
Heuristics: mental shortcuts for solving problems in a quick way that delivers a result that is sufficient enough to be useful given time constraints (but may not represent true accuracy/completeness)
Scriptural examples of when things were simplified (for good)?
- 2 great commandments vs. 10 commandments
- If I have not charity I am nothing (1 Cor. 13)
Scriptural examples of when things were complexified/nuanced (for good)?
- Sermon on the mount: “It has been said in times of old that… but I say…”
- “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things.” (Also 1 Cor. 13)
Why simplify? Why nuance?
- Alma 31:5 - teaching more effective than war
- Truth time-bombs (remembering)
- Recall people from the extremes (pull back from over complicating: Pharisees)(push to add nuance/detail when over-simplifying) Simple is easier to remember/sticks in the brain
- Can be an introduction/foundation to support greater complexity later (scaffolding)
Why NOT simplify? Why NOT nuance?
- Can seem dismissive
- Can push person beyond their capacity/over-burden, bore, lose in the weeds
Effective Methods/techniques/tactics for simplifying?
- Drawing pictures/diagrams
- Using metaphors/analogies
- Telling stories
- Giving examples
- Editing (discarding content, focusing on essentials/basics)
How to simplify/nuance poorly?
- Ignore context
- Don’t “read the room”
- Over simplify
- Over complicate
- Focus on ephemera/thick of thin things/fried froth
- Look beyond the mark
President Eyring:
- “For, behold, I command all men everywhere to repent…” D&C 18 summarizes the gospel simply
- “the Savior gives us the perfect example of how we should teach His doctrine. This doctrine is that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end blesses all of God’s children.”
- “Because we need the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we must avoid speculation or personal interpretation that goes beyond teaching true doctrine. That can be hard to do when you love the person you are trying to influence. He or she may have ignored the doctrine that has been taught. It is tempting to try something new or sensational. But the Holy Ghost will reveal the spirit of truth only as we are cautious and careful not to go beyond teaching true doctrine.”
- “Some of you may wonder whether it might be better to draw your children closer to you through having fun, or you may ask whether the child may start to feel overwhelmed by your teachings. Instead, we should consider, “With so little time and so few opportunities, what words of doctrine can I share that will strengthen them against the inevitable challenges to their faith?” The words you share today could be the ones they carry with them, and today will soon pass.”
- “You can find hope in the scriptural record of families. We read of those who turned away from what they were taught or who were wrestling with God for forgiveness, such as Alma the Younger, the sons of Mosiah, and Enos. In their moments of crisis, they remembered the words of their parents, words of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Remembering saved them. Your teaching of that sacred doctrine will be remembered.”
Tweet the essence of the gospel (acc to OLD twitter limitation of 140 characters)
Take away?
Legion of honor museum: Art History
Much of art history was a quest to accurately imitate life, you can see the struggle to capture complexity while only having limited capacity and under-representing the complexity in simplicity, but every year/generation seeing progress.
Then the renaissance happened and something “clicked” for the art world collectively and we began seeing very accurate proportions and near-photographic quality in art.
Then the camera was invented and EXACTness, detail, every nuance became possible, nay, easy.
And what happened as a result?
Impressionism… a return to simplicity, but now INFORMED by the capacity for complexity making the choices deliberate/originating from a presence of ability rather than a lack thereof.