Talk given October 22 2023
My Goal for this talk: “Notice Authority” - hope that we all will become more aware of authority systems and where that authority is derived like I have while thinking about this talk during the week.
My own “noticing” of authority:
MH Flag Football: Consent of parents leads to consent of kids because someone volunteered to coach. Coaches are obeyed because of a social agreement.
- Coach authority is tied to specific scope, ex: they can’t come rebuild my car engine with their flag football coaching authority.
- What I mean is that authority in one area does not grant “carte blanche” authority in other areas.
Tennis: Playing one on one, we grant authority to our opponent to call whether a ball is in or out, but in a real competition a judge is granted that authority by both competitors.
Family life is a great place to “notice authority” - why do kids obey or not obey their parents? What happens when parental authority is questioned? Who makes decisions for what your family does?
Another great place to “notice authority” is in Movies! Playing with the idea of authority is a common theme in many movies:
Catch Me If You Can: Frank Abegnale - assumed authority Pilot, Surgeon, Lawyer etc. (people believed in him - did he have real “authority?”)
Fried Green Tomatoes: Nawanda! Stolen parking space at grocery store younger lady: “Face it: I’m younger and faster.” Older lady retaliates by crashing into younger lady’s car: “Face it: I’m older and have better insurance.”
Rise of the Planet of the Apes: Apes can’t mobilize forces to overthrow humans until authority hierarchy is determined and infighting is quashed (rebellious ape
Koba offers hand over in deference to Caesar, when Koba’s allies see this, they “fall in line” under Caesar’s authority and the apes can invade San Francisco)
Disney Cartoon The Sword In The Stone - The weak boy is able to draw the sword while stronger warriors can’t (perhaps his authority to rule was especially due to his tutoring by Merlin in which he transformed young Arthur into various animals?)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: uncommonly intelligent peasants question the uncommonly dense King Arthur: where do you get your authority to be king? Arthur explains the legend of the lady of the lake. Peasants reply:
⁃ “Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.”
⁃ “Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.”
As you are “noticing authority” think about what would happen if the authority was removed from the scenario…
Authority matters because it is a “heuristic” (rule of thumb or a shortcut for fast conclusions) It works because you’re not required to waste time or effort deciding who’s “right” or “in-charge” via physical squabbles or philosophical argument. (Imagine Apostles arm wrestling every meeting to see who today’s prophet would be…) Authority lets us get down to business or constructive action faster.
Authority is based in ABILITY (can you DO what you say? Do I BELIEVE you can do it?):
⁃ Knowledge = “latent ability” theoretical, not yet proven - I know how to do something, but may not have proven it yet (if I have proven it, then authority is increased even more) Perhaps I’ve done something similar to increase your trust in my ability?
⁃ Resources = “latent ability” - can I mobilize action via my resources? (physical strength, weapons, money, connections)
⁃ Social Compliance/Deference/Release of control
WARNING 1: Ability can be faked or lied about, so we must be on our toes when placing trust and granting social authority. In the surfing and skateboarding world fakers are called “posers.” They talk the lingo, wear the clothes, but cannot back it up with ability. Authority can be granted solely through belief even when not backed by ability.
WARNING 2: Socialized authority, over time, can become traditional or assumed or taken-for-granted (I like to call this “baked in” authority). Generally, these “powers that be” become associated with a divine or mystical authority narrative… ex: “The Lady of The Lake.”
In Christian scriptures “baked” in or “taken-for-granted” authority is undermined:
⁃ Esau and Jacob - “birth right” is NOT based on birth order, but God’s favor/righteousness
⁃ Same for Joseph of Egypt (younger brother saves older bros. and entire family because of God’s favor)
⁃ Saul vs. David (strength, charisma, good looks, vs. “the Lord looketh on the heart”)
⁃ Who were the “leaders” of Jesus’ time? Who did Jesus critique the most? Why? Baked in, taken-for-granted, “assumed” authority. “Draw near [to God] with lips, but hearts [and actions] are far from me”
As you “notice authority” make special note of systems where authority has become “baked in” or taken-for-granted - where it is no longer directly tied back to ability. As the scriptures teach us, that kind of authority is important to question.
What I’ve noticed is: When authority is being questioned, it is not a peaceful process or feeling, but it is likely that growth is happening. We can perhaps reframe how we react when authority is questioned and focus on the growth rather than the absence of peace.
Remember that “ability” is the way authority is created? Well, one thing we haven’t discussed is the highest form of ability… ability which comes from invention or creation. In fact, the word “Author” is the root of “Authority.”
I started off my talk contemplating the source of authority for my kids’ flag football coaches. The next level above the coaches and refs and admins is the founder of the MH Flag Football league, Andy Su… he has authority simply because he took the initiative to create the league, or in other words: He is the “Author” of the league and the de-facto “Author-ity.”
Some things to think about as you embark on your quest to “notice authority:”
“No man taketh this honor unto himself, except he be called of God, as was Aaron”
“Jesus is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end”
“Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith”
Go forth and “notice authority!”
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